Thursday, May 13, 2010


 " Envy eats away inside u. 
   It makes u always want more,
   but never keeps u satisfied  .. 
   Be happy with what you have and envy won't
   ever enter your door "

  - Genevieve Sambhi -

 ( tapi saya envy kan kawan-kawan saya yang muka cun without any probs.
   muka saya sangatlah sensitif dan problem. saya juga envy nak kurussss )

Friday, May 07, 2010


" Knowledge belong to the world "

- En. Kamal Harmoni Kamal Ariff
my former IT hardcore geeks, trainer and boss


Inspiration is wonderful when it happens, but the writer must develop an approach for
the rest of the time

- Leonard Bernstein

The Cute Babies Ever

( comel sangat, comelllllllllllllllllllllllllllll )

( This is cutie younger Afifah and Camilia ... Cute kan?? Macam nak gigit- gigit je )

( this my lovely cutie niece Nur Camilia at the age 3 months I guess )

( Ini baby retired ( marron color ) yang dulunya cute amat juga. HAHAHAHAHA )

( Ini adik I, Afifah dan Naurah Nasirah serta Naurah Shibrah ( sibling ) )

Refer to the title, I would love to reveal all the cuties babies that which I love 'em to be mine... Hehehe

( Eii,berangan tinggi-tinggi macam dah kahwin and pregnant ja. Tapi I memang suka cute babies )

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Does Running Effectively Help in You Keeping Fit ?

Running or jogging is a type of cardiovascular exercise that involves the use of large muscles such as the thigh muscles, calves, etc., and also resulted in an increase in heart rate.

Running will help increase the efficiency of the cardiovascular system, which consists of the heart, blood and blood vessels. Can not be denied, running will help improve the fitness, and help maintain optimum health levels.

In terms of weight management, is running effectively can burn fat and lose weight?

As a beginning, activities such as running requires energy and this energy is obtained from dietary sources (which is converted to energy by the function body). For those who are obese or who suffer from weight, the expectation is to do running and jogging activities, sources of energy will come from the burning of excess fat. Excess fat is stored fat in the abdomen, thighs, arms and chin.

In theory, the fat is burned will be smaller and will reduce levels of body fat.
The effect of this is a reduction in body weight.

However, this does not necessarily occur.

For those who are doing activities that strengthen the muscles (not necessarily go to the gym but just enough to lift moderately heavy dumbbell and so on. Activities of this activity can be done at home,such as run a continuous exercise will cause the system to switch to a muscular body (the weak) to decompose the sources of energy for a weak muscle is more convenient.

Muscles are important sources of protein metabolism process, which works to repair and reinstate the cells in the body. Protein in muscle, if degraded to forms of energy, will result in smaller muscles and thus reducing metobolisme. Negative effects will appear as a decline in the rate of metabolism, the body's ability to burn fat will be stunted.

In addition, a phenomenon that is seen by those who are jogging or doing other cardiovascular activities are, they suffered heavy losses when the exercise is ongoing, but when they cease to do so, their weight began to rise again .. In fact, some experienced a sharp increase in body weight until a new weight more severe than the previous.

There are two reasons for this phenomenon. The first is as described earlier, which caused the loss of muscle which in turn reduce the rate of metabolism.

The second reason is, 'weight' of the lost is water, which is an important component in the body and not fat as ever. It is important to know that water is an essential element that functions to provide oxygen in the metabolism and burning fat.

So, what is the solution for those who want to lose weight?

First, adequate protection should be given to the muscle cells of exercise-related exercises that strengthen muscles. If you participate in sports club or gym is an expensive option, make a little investment to buy a pair of dumbbell, and bench exercises (bench) that can be used to perform muscle exercises. All are available at a price less than RM500.

With the increase and strengthen the muscle cell, you will reduce the tendency of the body to decompose the protein in the muscles as an energy source, but instead will burn excess stored fat in the abdomen, thighs, shoulders, arms and so forth. You'll put yourself on the right track to solve the weight problem.

In addition, exercise increases muscle cells which in turn increases the metabolic rate. The study found that the increase in muscle weight of 0.5 kg will help the body burn excess calories by 50 calories a day.

Remember, this metabolic process occurs all the time no matter when you are sleeping, eating, sleeping, watching movie or work. The only difference is speed. If you managed to increase your metabolism, by controlling your diet and training continues, believe me, your efforts to see the new weight will bear fruit.


5 Ways to Reduce Your Weight

1. Control diet

Sound is often and easily heard, but very difficult in practice. This is because many people think, control of eating means to stop hunger can bring harm to the body. In fact, proper diet is to consume a balanced nutrition and nurien needed by the body. Never once was 'diet' of hunger, because the body will suffer.

2. Reduce intake of carbohydrates

Foods high in carbohydrates such as bread, rice and essential if one is active because the carbohydrates needed to generate and supply energy for daily activities. However, if you more time spent with the office works, excess carbohydrates into energy and will not otherwise be turned into fat and stored as a 'spare tire' in the stomach, thighs, arms and under the chin.

3. Start 'communicating' with good fats

Not all fat is bad and fat, but fat as a key element in the balance of nutrients. Which fats are harmful fats in foods such as chicken and beef beefy, palm oil, margarine, cheese and fast food can increase the risk of heart attack if taken in excessive.

While the source of fatty foods that are good as olive oil, fish oil, peanut butter, avocado fruit and foods containing omega 3, such as eggs.

4. Exercise / sports

Allow approximately 15 minutes to exercise, exercise or play sports three times a week. Which type of exercise that is recommended is the muscle training exercises such as weight lifting, push-ups and other exercises using weights. This activity will stimulate the generation of muscle will increase metabolism which in turn will burn excess fat in the body.

If you are a woman, do not alarmed by the risk of too much muscle from weight lifting activities. This is because muscle size depends on the ability of the body to produce testoren and women have the ability to only approximately one eighth of the men.

5. Take adequate protein

When you exercise, you actually 'harm' and destructive muscle cells. These cells would then respond with muscle repair and improve the muscle. This process requires a lot of protein. Among the best sources of protein are chicken breast, tuna fish, egg white and sardines.

# this entry is based on my reading ..

Longing him is my melody ...

The days goes by, am longing him as much as I can't resist..
Tons of works which shall complete, never been as smooth as either be..
Ohhh sorry. I lost my mind once in a blue moon and I reveal the skeleton
in the closet.. Hahahaha,has ayone can read my GAGA mind..

Ohh I missed him badly ;((


by: William Shakespeare

      OR shame, deny that thou bear'st love to any
      Who for thyself art so unprovident:
      Grant, if thou wilt, thou art beloved of many,
      But that thou none lov'st is most evident;
      For thou art so possessed with murd'rous hate
      That 'gainst thyself thou stick'st not to conspire,
      Seeking that beauteous roof to ruinate
      Which to repair should be thy chief desire.
      O, change thy thought, that I may change my mind;
      Shall hate be fairer lodged than gentle love?
      Be as thy presence is, gracious and kind,
      Or to thyself at least kind-hearted prove:
      Make thee another self for love of me,
      That beauty still may live in thine or thee.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010


One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life,
the word is LOVE

- Anonymous

Lusting Over.

I'm addicted to watch Iron Man 2, even without the presence of my boo. Thus I shall call it,
girls night outs with my collegeus. Yes, yes .. Am no doubt about it, thus I've booked the tickets
@ Cineplex Village Mall.. HEHEHEHE

Monday, May 03, 2010


" If you don't have the passion, change "

-Lauren Hutton

Avoid This 5 Ruinner in Your Relationship

Recently most of couples do break up for thousand of reasons.
However, you may be doing this 5 things to sabotage your relationship onto a crush.
This entry here again based on my reading from and I admit that some
of the point is perfectly true as am doing the same mistake either.
Instead of steering toward failure, you can increase your chances for
a long-term love affair by avoiding these common self-destructive practices.

  1. Frequently disappointed by your partner's gifts or gestures.
  2. You focus on his fault.
  3. You're too available or have drastically changed your routine for him.
  4. You've stopped getting glam for your dates...ever
  5. You discuss your relationship too much.
If we briefly look up for the pinpoint, have you ever come cross onto this situation where
your partner gift for you may down fall far away from your taste. Hes latest fashion or taste
may be consequently out, but do thankful for the effort of giving. And don't put a high
expectation from his gift-giving, let the romantic spontaneous gestures comes naturally.

A solid relationship is not about verbally beating his flaws out of him any more than it is about him expecting you to change into his “dream girl.” Plus Mr. Right neither can't be perfect but far away from it. The secret is to learn to love even the things you hate about him—or at least recognize that they are to be embraced as part of the gloriously imperfect packages. People often said " is must have giving and taking" in a relationship as a backbone
to growth your relationship.

Absence really does make the heart grow fonder. Plus, maintaining your own identity and routine lets him know you that while you want him in your life, you don’t need him—independence and confidence never stops being attractive. Strongly advised here,
even with a tiny change you've made, it may cause you and him onto a crush.

"Beauty is pain ", but I believe that if we always appear fresh good looking and glam for partner
worth it !! You may want him to remember you with the sweetest smile and of course your
self-grooming may influent him to dress up for you. HIHIHI

( I pernah bersiap bagai nak rak, siap put on the eye liner lagi tapi bf I buat bodoh tak puji pun =( )

Once you’ve moved past the casual dating stage to full-on coupled om, it might be tempting to talk about your relationship more. Beware of discussing the ins and outs of your courtship, asking repeatedly if he is “OK” or obsessing on your relationship’s rough edges. Not to say you shouldn’t have an open communication, but make sure you’re living in the moment and keeping things fun and light on a regular basis. After all, you get what you focus on

Online Shopping

( First time tue I buat online purchased.. Hihihhi )

It a humid and sunny morning today and I'm totally excited upon it is my first time doing the online shopping from ShawlQueen. Hehehe.. Yeahh, maybe I'm the only one who just starts
to adapt myself with this method of shopping. It's kinda blend of feeling that how's it looks like
the shawl I've purchased and first of all I can't wait until the shawl reach in front of my door.

Honestly,apart from that a bit of my hesitation keep on playing over my head. Hahaha.
Furthermore this is my 1st time to purchase via online but,due to time constraint I feel
lucky enough when I can purchased the item virtually and with not much of waiting plus
its really time budget if you don't have time to do shopping.

The method is simple, you may just purchased your favorite items from the various range
of virtual shop available according your shopping lust.
U made an order via filling up the purchase form or U may booked the item first.
Then once u reach the account no from the shopper,made the payment via Maybank2u,
CimbClicks or Pay Pall.
Lastly, U have not to worry too much as soon your purchased items will reach your front door.
It's simply easy and simple right?

Soooo,don't waste your time. Lets do online shopping !!!